Sunday, October 25, 2009

grateful sunday

This week, I'm grateful for...:
  • Flagstaff having real seasons. We've been experiencing beautiful fall weather these past few weeks. I was sitting on my bed this afternoon and was in awe of what I could see out the window: trees, golden and rich in color and the ground flocked with crispy fallen leaves, all of which the sun was hitting perfectly. It was a definite "whoa" moment for me.
  • Professors that are understanding of medical issues that arise, and are willing to work with you on getting that quiz made up. I always knew that communication was key- I had yet to realize how key it is, and when you're a good communicator, professors are more than the person that stands at the front of the class and talks for an hour or more.
  • My Mom. She is always incredible, and the older I get, the closer we seem to get. I'm loving every minute of this. I can always call her, and she's there when I need her or even when I don't and she's there anyway. Friday, she drove up to Flag to go to a doctor's appointment with me. Afterward, we spent the day together having lunch and enjoying the crisp, cool weather. (I thought it was rather warm, but that's a moot point.)

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