Monday, October 5, 2009


I'm currently praying that God will give a particular set of parents and family (not my own) grace and understanding in hopes that they'll back off just a little bit. It's just one of those things where I feel like screaming from the very top of the San Francisco Peaks (12,633 feet in elevation!), "I'm important too, damn it!"
Only, the hike is super difficult and I don't have the energy right now, not to mention the vocal capacity to be heard in Glendale. But I think you get my point. I'm irritated. I want to be considered important and adorable. Sometimes I feel like asking for the first (I could care less about the second, but that'd be nice too) is so much to ask, but all the same, is it really?! Not at all.
Just be praying for me, please.

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