Sunday, November 2, 2008

nau band day 2008

Last night was the very first time I'd been at NAU and not performing on the field, and I was perfectly okay with that.

The band delivered an incredible performance. I am so proud to say that I marched in that band for four years. They've risen above and beyond this year. It isn't the same band I saw three weeks ago at North Canyon. Wow. Their performance left me speechless. I couldn't be more happy for the people in that band that I care so much about.

I got to see my "second family" before they performed last night, as well as seeing my actual family. Mom, Dad, Mel, Jessie and Granma drove up yesterday afternoon, and we spent the day getting my winter coat and boots. We had a lot of fun. I love and miss them.

I hit pure nirvana after the performance though, when we were back at the buses. Alie and Kurt make me smile like nobody else can. Seeing them and spending time with them before they got on the bus to go home was hands down the highlight of my week. I love them so much!

Yesterday was amazing; I can't wait to spend all of next weekend with them, as well as share my birthday with them!

Alie and Kurtis---I love ya!

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