Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lots of discouragement, even more Senioritus

It's safe to say that Senioritus is kicking my butt. Graduation is a mere two weeks away, so close I can almost taste it. But you know how you when you eat cake and you have to eat the frosting to get to the yummy filling? I'm eating the frosting right now and it's bitter and gross. Let's just be done. kapeish? if only it were that easy! I have a 15 page screenplay due on friday and i'm on page 9, handwritten. it's supposed to be 20+ handwritten. So much for sleeping tomorrow night! anyway...
on a higher note, the guard banquet was lovely. and tonight was so amusing at starbucks. the senior banquet is tomorrow night, and that'll be fun. lets root for the laptop, mmkay?
I was informed on monday that i'll be taking a trip to South Carolina to see my BFF in the beginning of june. best part is, my layover is in Dallas for 2 hours. thank god for familiar airports! i'm super excited. she has no idea i'm even coming! mmmm.

yay for ending things happily.

last but not least....prom pictures.

Quite the lady, I know, but I couldn't resist!

I felt famous :]

My "date". Aka- neighbor best friend, Steph

the most extraordinary best guy friend on the planet- Kurt

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Michelle, you look beautiful!