Today is the first time Lauren and I have gone running in over two weeks. UGH! That just sounds awful, and I didn't even say it out loud. She and I were both sick, and everyone knows that running in the cold while sick is not an excellent idea.
We looped around North Campus. Sort of. Ran just under a mile, and then finished it off by walking just a bit to get some more mileage under our belt. January 17th is coming up SO quickly. It makes me nervous to think ahead. I'm actually going to do this though. I want, no, I need to be a better runner. For myself, but also for my family. I feel like I have something to prove to them, even if I don't.
Ever since I was little, I was always the dancer in the family. My grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins would come see my dance shows, and we'd always go out for dinner afterward. It was great being the cute little one that everyone loved. In middle school, I stopped dancing competitively. I didn't have the time, and the drive to rehearsals was a bit longer due to our move. Since then, I've been the one that doesn't play a sport. Granted, my aunt and cousin have both run half and full marathons, so my running a half doesn't sound like that big of a deal. But it is. To me.
I'm doing this for myself. And for Lauren. I'll be 20 years old in just over a week [whoa!], and I don't want to look back at pictures and crinkle my nose at the face that stares back at me. No, I want to be fit and look like it. Even if that requires me to eat better and exercise on a daily basis. This is the time in my life where I get to be selfish and do what Michelle wants to do within reason. I want to be skinny, and run a half marathon. Here I go. Watch me succeed.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
things i miss
- high school.
i was so good at high school. yearbook, guard, band. i did so much. i had all of these little networks everywhere i turned. not once did i show up to an activity without knowing at least 10 different faces. maybe not knowing them, but recognizing them at the least. my teachers loved me, my work was excellent and i had the time of my life. i sometimes wish i could go back, mostly for band and guard. that was my world. those people were my world. - being darkly tanned.
it sounds so pathetic, but i look at pictures and am realizing how pale i am now in comparison! i love being so dark. white looked amazing on me, and didn't wash me out. not that i'm ghost white now, but i feel much more pale. being tan also meant that i was spending at least 40 hours a week at work. i miss my job as a lifeguard, too. and the people i worked with. all so easy going and fun. they're a huge part of why i look forward to summer so much. - kurt.
he's so damn far away, and i hate it. i look at pictures and wonder if it will ever be like that again. i think about whether or not we'll ever be able to spend our summers together like we've done for the past two years. i wonder if he misses me as much as i miss him. i'm hoping that this distance will teach us something; something good. i don't know what it'll be, but i feel like maybe this is a learning experience. i had a really strange moment yesterday, and it almost scared me. there are 56 days until i get to see him again. i just hope that everything hasn't changed. - having long hair.
it's been since the beginning of my sophomore year in high school that i had long hair. it's somewhat longish now (think a medium-long length), but then it was so long and so beautiful. right now, i'm trying to grow my hair out back to that length. i think i've become a bit too anal about things like split ends, and whether or not my hair is getting the nutrients it needs to grow. at some point, i'm wanting to donate my hair. the minimum length hair can be for donation is 8 inches. well, right now i have 5". only three more to go! that is for a foundation created by pantene. if i'm going to grow out my hair, enjoy the length for a bit, and then chop it off, i want it to do some good in the world. which is why i'm going to donate it to a charity that makes wigs out of hair [which will one day be my precious undyed and healthy locks] to a young girl with cancer. i've enjoyed my hair all of my life and would be devestated if i didn't have it anymore. i want to be able to give that enjoyment back to someone who has had it taken away by the brutality of cancer.
grateful sunday
This week, I'm grateful for...:
- Flagstaff having real seasons. We've been experiencing beautiful fall weather these past few weeks. I was sitting on my bed this afternoon and was in awe of what I could see out the window: trees, golden and rich in color and the ground flocked with crispy fallen leaves, all of which the sun was hitting perfectly. It was a definite "whoa" moment for me.
- Professors that are understanding of medical issues that arise, and are willing to work with you on getting that quiz made up. I always knew that communication was key- I had yet to realize how key it is, and when you're a good communicator, professors are more than the person that stands at the front of the class and talks for an hour or more.
- My Mom. She is always incredible, and the older I get, the closer we seem to get. I'm loving every minute of this. I can always call her, and she's there when I need her or even when I don't and she's there anyway. Friday, she drove up to Flag to go to a doctor's appointment with me. Afterward, we spent the day together having lunch and enjoying the crisp, cool weather. (I thought it was rather warm, but that's a moot point.)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Coming Soon...
The past week, week and a half of my life has been absolutely crazy for multiple reasons. Two trips to the emergency room. Missed a whole week's worth of classes. And just to ice the cake, lets not forget about the emotional rollercoaster I'm currently living on. I know I owe you an update as to what exactly is going on, but I don't have the energy right now. I got back from girl's night about an hour ago with a migraine and really would just like to take some medicine and go to bed. That's acutally exactly what I'm going to do.
Have a fantastic Saturday night, and I promise to be back tomorrow with not only Grateful Sunday but also the recap of my life lately. (I know, I know. I'm goin all out!)
Have a fantastic Saturday night, and I promise to be back tomorrow with not only Grateful Sunday but also the recap of my life lately. (I know, I know. I'm goin all out!)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Late: Grateful Sunday
I'm really not good at staying on top of this, am I? Life just tends to get in the way, I guess.
This Wednesday [er, um, Sunday] I am grateful for:
This Wednesday [er, um, Sunday] I am grateful for:
- God's Giant Hole in the Ground. Most refer to it as the Grand Canyon. I did a day hike Sunday with Lauren and her family. We had a beautiful time and enjoyed laughing at the people that decided to hike down the trail in Vans, flip flops, etc. without water--just their camera. It was rather hilarious.
- Living in the US, where if you have a social security number and were born in the USA, they'll treat you in an emergent manner. More on this later.
- Chick Flicks: the ultimate feel-good medicine. Who would've thought watching 27 Dresses would make one feel better? It does, let me tell you!
I know it's short and sweet, but I have a bazillion things that I should be doing right now. So folks, what are you grateful for this week?
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Miss you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
[Late] Grateful Sunday

I realize that it's Tuesday, but I still wanted to do my Grateful Sunday, even though it's a few days late. So, here goes!
- I'm thankful for best friends that understand you backward and forward, inside and out, upside down, and pretty much every other way you can imagine. That handsome kiddo up there is my best friend and without him, I wouldn't be where I am.
- Birthdays! We celebrated Sam's birthday last night, but her actual birthday is today. Happy Birthday Sam! She's officially 19 years old. To celebrate, we went out to dinner at Oreganos (the best Italian restaraunt in Flag) and topped the night off with pazookie, but not after an adventure!
- Relationships. With people, with God and with the world. It's a beautiful thing.
What are you grateful for?
I've decided that in addition to this being a place to discuss my day to day life, I want to share my half marathon training experience.
Lauren and I did a mile and a half run tonight--the farthest we've gone in Flag! We definitely feel accomplished. I love love LOVE my new running shoes. Getting closer to our 3 mile goal. The rest of my week (training wise) looks a little like this: Wednesday- Step class and weights; Thursday- Aqua Sculpt; Friday- Swim; Saturday- run. I'm loving feeling in shape, or at least reaching my goal of being fit by the time I turn 20 (which is a few weeks away...scary!). The show "Biggest Loser" really inspired me for our run tonight. I do not want to end up looking like any of the contestants on the show, so watching it is a great motivator for my workouts!
So tell me, bloggers...What motivates or inspires you to push on when your workout gets rough?
Lauren and I did a mile and a half run tonight--the farthest we've gone in Flag! We definitely feel accomplished. I love love LOVE my new running shoes. Getting closer to our 3 mile goal. The rest of my week (training wise) looks a little like this: Wednesday- Step class and weights; Thursday- Aqua Sculpt; Friday- Swim; Saturday- run. I'm loving feeling in shape, or at least reaching my goal of being fit by the time I turn 20 (which is a few weeks away...scary!). The show "Biggest Loser" really inspired me for our run tonight. I do not want to end up looking like any of the contestants on the show, so watching it is a great motivator for my workouts!
So tell me, bloggers...What motivates or inspires you to push on when your workout gets rough?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
you know you're exhausted when you're debating between cleaning up your side of the room, or showering and going to bed early. my room is a mess, but sleep just sounds oh-so-wonderful. i did some running today (like 1.16 miles, nothing intense unfortunately!) and some weights in the gym, in addition to carrying two somewhat-heavy boxes halfway to my room before a couple friends saw me and were willing to help. thank you, jesus, for strong and beautiful men! now if i could only find one to keep....
anyway. i think i'm gonna do a bit of cleaning up, and then hit the shower before going to bed by 9. i like this plan- a lot!
i hope you all had an amazing day!
[i say you all, when i'm pretty sure there are only a handful of people that actually read this. oh well.]
Monday, October 5, 2009
My new kicks
Long story made short, I'm training with my friend Lauren for the P.F. Chang's Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon on January 17, 2010
Here are the beauties that will help me accomplish that:
It's like a love thing. I took them out on a run for the first time yesterday afternoon. No pain my knees or ankles, which is such relief from my Nike crosstrainers I was initially wearing to run. Not to mention, the colors are pretty.
Like I said, it's a love thing.
I'm currently praying that God will give a particular set of parents and family (not my own) grace and understanding in hopes that they'll back off just a little bit. It's just one of those things where I feel like screaming from the very top of the San Francisco Peaks (12,633 feet in elevation!), "I'm important too, damn it!"
Only, the hike is super difficult and I don't have the energy right now, not to mention the vocal capacity to be heard in Glendale. But I think you get my point. I'm irritated. I want to be considered important and adorable. Sometimes I feel like asking for the first (I could care less about the second, but that'd be nice too) is so much to ask, but all the same, is it really?! Not at all.
Just be praying for me, please.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Grateful Sunday
A family friend of ours, Jennifer, started doing this thing called Grateful Sunday on her blog awhile back and I really love her idea. Consider this stolen, Jennifer!

Today, I am grateful for:
- Having the opportunity and privelage of living in beautiful Flagstaff, AZ. Yesterday, we took a hike to the Inner Basin (which is near Mt. Humphrey's) and we experienced nothing but beauty. Beautiful friendships, beautiful creation and beautiful weather.
- Being surrounded by incredible people in my life, both in Flag and at home. These people make me laugh day in and day out, and we always have the best of times together. (Lauren and Beth, middle)
- Babies. My cousin had her twin girls, Allison and Emmily, this past Thursday. It's so often to easily forget what a blessing children are in our lives! In addition to Allison and Emily, I'm grateful for my niece, Susannah (pictured above). At 7 months old, she's growing like mad but is still the sweet, adorable baby girl that I love and adore so very much.
Wishing all of you a blessed Sunday!
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