There are always different sides to any situations, right? What happens when none of them sound like the right one?
Lets take a trip back to May '08, shall we? My parent's graduation gift to me was to be a laptop computer- of this I was fully aware. They let me make the decision; I got to pick out my machine. I picked the Acer Apsire 6920. I have a close friend who has one and has never had a problem with it, so it seemed like the right choice. I got my PC and was content, til October when my webcam stopped working. Not a big deal, right? Well yeah, until it couldn't be fixed. It wasn't impacting the way my computer was running though, so it wasn't a big deal. Over the next few months, more and more things stopped working. Windows Media stopped in January. Windows Explorer couldn't load some of my photos. In May, Internet Explorer stopped working. After numerous attempts to get it fixed, I get told that my computer is no longer under Acer's warranty. Talk about frustrating.
After a little bit of research, I realized that I still have a warranty under Circuit City. It got shipped out and was on its way to be fixed at the headquarters in Texas. I got my laptop back yesterday, in hopes of everything being fine and dandy. Well, it isn't fine and dandy. Internet Explorer still isn't working properly and is freezing up frequently. My personal favorite: Over night, my computer generated a password and locked my computer. Good thing I created the fingerprint log in last night or else at this point, I would be screwed.
So, what to do?
Option One. Hang on to my laptop and hope it starts working in the near future. (Good parts: It's free.)
Option Two. Put my laptop for sale on Craigs List and/or Ebay and take the money to buy a Mac. Good parts: I'd be getting it out of my hands. Bad part: At most, I'll probably get $500 for it, which isn't much and leaves me to come up with over a grand to put into a new laptop.
Option Three. Try to convince my parents to hang on to this laptop until the warranty runs out. They would really just use it for internet surfing; nothing intense. Maybe see if they can contribute a little bit of money towards my lack-of-working-computer-fund. Good part: It stays in the house and is still under warranty. Bad part: I wouldn't be getting anything for my computer and may potentially be emptying my entire life savings for a computer.
What to do, what to do?